Spring arrives and so do the Kats…

As the flowers start to bloom so, once again, does The Krazy Kat Theatre Company. We have been cooking up plans with the wonderful ‘Rigor Mortis Tortoise’, recording songs and filming bits and pieces, looking forward to when we can launch the 2021 extravaganza on the world! Of course as soon as we are allowed we will be back on the road and already we can announce that we have received some funding to allow this to happen. Onwards into a brighter 2021! In the meantime, here is a delightfully silly composite photo of some of our early works, lots of bright colours and the talents of Alastair S Macmillan and and our Dutch co-artist Alice Ruytiers joining Dr. Kinny in a daft memory of much enjoyed silliness! Photos all by the talented Robert Workman Theatre Photographer — Robert Workman Theatre Photographer , click the name to visit his website…