
Krazy Kat and a new disabled theatre work in Brighton…

09 Oct 2019

We have just started working with the prestigious Darkness Productions on a new play about disability, rehearsing and playing in Brighton, just near our office. Our busy Artistic Director is assisting with some of the access issues around this challenging new play with songs, written by local artist Damian Darkness. It’s a quirky piece of … Read more

Krazy Kat donates costumes to Sussex Beacon Charity shop.

31 Jul 2019

Well here’s a lovely sight! Krazy Kat recently had a severe clear out of old costumes, some of which went to our regular Deaf and Disabled schools, and some of which were donated to The Sussex Beacon charity shop in Brighton, near where we have our office. And here we are, featured in their very … Read more

Kats on Television once again

23 Apr 2019

And this time, it’s personal! Kinny is to be interviewed by the extraordinary Andrew Kay on the prestigious ‘Latest Channel’, broadcasting out of  beautiful downtown Brighton, to talk about himself (a subject on which he has become an expert), the internationally touring work of Krazy Kat, his daze , oops, days with the Lindsay Kemp … Read more

Jolly good start to 2019 – Back on our international travels…

30 Dec 2018

As we approach the New Year, Krazy Kat are dusting down our suitcases to fly off to New Zealand once again. Invited back by wonderful disability arts facilitators ‘Diversityworks’ in Auckland to present a series of Masterclasses in our own unique style of inclusive theatre, we are visiting both the North and South Islands. Last … Read more

Madrid International Deaf Theatre Conference welcomes the KATS

19 Nov 2018

On 1st December we are at the beautiful Caixa Forum in Madrid Spain. We are presenting a 20 minute talk, in English and S.S.E./ B.S.L. with simultaneous translation to Spanish (spoken and signed), with video clips of our 38 years of internationally touring creative work. Teatro El Grito  Madrid have long been strong supporters of … Read more

A short interview with our Artistic Director

22 Oct 2018

As Kinny Gardner received his Doctor Of Arts, he was interviewed by the University of Wolverhampton. The lovely link is here…

Mattress Mattress Krazy Kat Theatre

Theatre PAH website goes live

21 Aug 2018

After a lot of hard work and dedication from the Webmasters, the new international ‘Theatre PAH’ website is up and running. Based in sunny Canada, this is a new initiative to allow all D/deaf theatre companies to access each others work, history and knowledge, and to help support new and aspiring theatre artists. We are … Read more

There’s a new Doctor in the house…

17 May 2018

We are very pleased to announce that our Artistic Director Kinny Gardner has been awarded an honorary degree from The University of Wolverhampton. In September he will attend a graduation ceremony and receive the honour of ‘Doctor of Arts’. He will now need a bigger business card in order to fit on all the letters … Read more

Cinder-Ella returns to her Scottish home

12 Mar 2018

We are delighted to announce a short, shiny, possibly shoogley, Summertime Scottish tour with our beautiful ‘Cinder-Ella’, now scheduled in for mid- June of 2018. A dedicated fundraising drive has secured grants from Foundation Scotland and Creative Scotland to present a ten day tour-ette, from the North to the South of Kinny’s homeland. Hoots, we … Read more

With Seasons Greetings…and seasonal developments- ay caramba.

20 Dec 2017

As 2017 crashes to a noisy end, we at Krazy Kat are looking forward to a packed and busy beginning to 2018. In January Kinny will be continuing our mega-popular Educational Development Strand. Firstly he is delivering two masterclasses in London, concentrating on non-verbal communication. Then he is whisked off to Mexico, to continue his … Read more